Quality Assurance
The main steps in EOV include regional calibration, creating a monitoring plan, conducting short-term and long-term monitoring, quality assurance (QA) review of the data, and reporting data to land managers. This section provides a brief overview of the quality assurance data review and the roles in EOV.
Quality Assurance Process
Data is recorded from each landbase and uploaded to the Savory Global EOV Platform.
Regional calibration data is sent to Global Quality Assurance for global analysis and additional audit planning. Landbases cannot be monitored until regional calibration data is approved by Global QA.
Results for each landbase are sent to the producer with follow-up, if necessary.
Hub Verifier audits are determined by EOV Quality Assurance. Landbase audits are determined by both Hub Verifiers and EOV QA.
EOV is supported by sound quality assurance procedures and protocols. Each monitoring activity is carried out by accredited Verifiers and Monitors with deep knowledge and experience in the given regional context. Data uploaded onto the EOV platform is reviewed and analyzed by a regional Hub Verifier or Master Verifier. On an annual basis, all participating farms and verifiers are subject to an on-site audit. The selection of farms to be audited are a result of data analysis.
Professional Accreditations for EOV
EOV Monitors:
There are two categories of EOV Monitors: short-term and long-term. Both categories are represented by individuals with proven experience in rangeland and pasture management in the regions they are serving. They are trained and qualified to provide independent annual short-term monitoring (STM) and long-term monitoring (LTM) services for Savory Hubs and their producer networks. The training is designed as a combination of hands-on and webinar sessions, and provides a deep understanding of the ecological indicators involved in the protocol and their assessment process, the scientific data collection mechanism for each monitoring technique (short-term and long-term) and associated methodologies, and how to make appropriate data records (including photographic records) in the digital platform.
EOV Verifiers:
Hub Verifiers are experienced land managers, and practitioners of Holistic Management and regenerative agriculture. It is a prerequisite that they are accredited as a Field Professional with Savory Institute to ensure a thorough understanding of the effectiveness of ecosystem processes and health. Hub Verifiers receive additional training in the EOV protocol to ensure the development of consistent, robust, and repeatable monitoring practices across the globe. Hub Verifiers play an important quality assurance role as well as two other primary roles:
Regional calibration – Required to engage in EOV, this includes defining ecoregions, functional groups, states, and transitions, establishing reference areas, and calibrating the Evaluation Matrix (scorecard) in each ecoregion.
Quality Assurance – Hub Verifiers are a central piece of EOV QA. They have direct responsibility for the validity and consistency of the data uploaded to the EOV digital platform. They may receive Hub Audits from Savory Institute. Hub Verifiers then create the report for the farmers.
Training – Hub Verifiers train and provide QA of STM and LTM in their regions.
Note that Hub Verifiers cannot have a conflict of interest with the landbase/entity being monitored.
Master Verifiers:
These are highly experienced land managers and Verifiers. They are Savory Accredited Field Professionals and practitioners of Holistic Management with experience in regenerative agriculture in an extensive range of ecological settings. Master Verifiers are responsible for training HUB Verifiers and facilitating the set-up of the Hub regions with their ecoregions. These individuals provide Quality Assurance and support for the network of Hub Verifiers worldwide, particularly in areas without Hub presence and areas in need of additional EOV capacity.
Global Quality Assurance (QA):
A QA Team oversees quality control for EOV at the global scale. All data aggregated by Hub Verifiers around the world are analyzed, correlations are established, and lessons learned in the process are then reincorporated into the protocol and program. If there is data that looks inconsistent or suspicious, the specific Verifier and verification process will be audited and issues addressed.
All lessons and insights are shared with the Savory Global Network and form the basis for Network communications that inform the public, media, market partners, policymakers, and other stakeholders. A Terms of Use Agreement identifies the farmer as the owner of the EOV data, but authorizes the Savory Institute to use the data for scientific and learning purposes.
All Savory Hubs are encouraged to partner with local research institutions and scientific bodies to add layers of monitoring relevant to their context. Many Hubs are partnering with universities, conservation groups, wildlife groups, and others interested in measuring the impact of management on target indicators. This adds transparency, robustness, and additional data to the learning platform and network.
Last updated