In order to receive Ecological Outcome Verification, a land manager follows these general steps:
Contact the Savory Institute via our website or contact your regional Savory Hub.
The regional EOV Verifier schedules a farm/ranch visit, prepares farm mapping, and creates a short-term monitoring (STM) plan. Using STM data, the verifier finalizes the farm monitoring plan by locating where to establish long-term monitoring (LTM) sites. LTM data is then collected. The combination of the initial STM and LTM data provides a baseline.
Every Year
A regionally accredited EOV Monitor visits the farm/ranch to conduct the annual STM. If results trend positively in the context of the ecoregion, verification is granted or renewed and farms with eligible products have the opportunity to participate in Land to Market.
Subsequent 5-Year Intervals
On a five-year interval, an accredited EOV Monitor returns to the farm to conduct LTM. If data confirms STM positive trends, verification is granted or renewed.